(Current jobs)

 PRIORITY CURRENT JOBS  Plz pm me ( 00351969534520) to arrange who can do wot when. Thx.

CHOCA Arts is trying to get CHOCA Arts House looking sweet and presentable for all of us choca participants. 
Need help cutting sticking labels for choca arts info posters, putting up posters, selecting drawings + putting up gallery etc. 

Lobby 1* ( = front door entrance hall)
re do it as the info part for choca arts house + choca out ( choca activities that happen around lisboa etc ) 

Lobby 2** ( = hall in front of kitchen )
should the gallery be taken down? if so wot would it be replaced by? 

Lobby 3** ( = by bathroom ) at the moment nothing

1, Monthly Turn Around Gallery of drawings done in the 4 drawing groups
2, Gallery of smallest pictures in the world
3, Scrap paper gallery
more galleries open to suggestions!!


* Corridor and lobby 1 = already been agreed on

** Lobbies 2 + 3: as far as i remember were discussed but never voted on.

Therefore lobby 2 + 3 we should talk + vote on in the arts cordin8or meet up (fri. 29th nov https://chocaartshouse.blogspot.com/p/a.html )   

 + if we r going to keep gallery and if so where we should also talk + vote on at the artists club meet up weds. 13th nov  https://chocaartshouse.blogspot.com/p/w.html ) +

Feel free meanwhile to send suggestions to chocaartshouse@gmail.com or PM me : 969534520 ) and 

Decorate the back lobby:

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