Gallery of CHOCA Art Activities..

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Gallery of CHOCA Art Activities,

1 / 3: Activities in CHOCA House, Lisbon

Art Fun  ( Saturdays 2 - 5pm )


Cooking Class  ( Fridays 7 - 9pm)


Drawing Sessions: Cartooning, Doodling, Graphic Design  ( Thursdays 7 - 9pm)


Life Model  ( Mondays 7 - 9pm ) 


Music: Jam + Sing Alongs  ( Tuesdays 7 - 9pm)


Painting  ( xxxdays 7 - 9pm)


Urban Sketching  ( Saturdays OR  Sundays )


2 / 3: CHOCA Art Activities in / around Lisbon  

CHOCA  originally started simply to bring  art to places in Lisbon - and we still do :)

Paint Feelings to Music: Estudio 62

Explore your emotions by discussion, music and painting. There is a group chat on some 10 or so emotions ( eg: unrequited love, relaxing on Friday nite, crisis etc.) Then there is a piece of music - classical / jazz / ethnic, related to the discussion ( eg a rousing Beethoven piece, Indian sitar music, be bop jazz, Tibetan wailing, Irish reels, African chanting etc.) and the participants paint their feelings on old newspaper... Sounds crazy? Yes it is! A whole lot of fun and even the occasional tear! 

A1: Drawing Faces to Music Workshops: Casa Cultual, Olivais 


 Temporary Thematic Murals: 

PLACE: SOLIM ( Festival de Soliddradade Imigrantes, Lisbon

Community Theme Mural (on giant paper) Passers-by draw and write based on a theme on a giant paper eg: Happy Birthdays, International Human Rights Day etc)

3 / 3: CHOCA Art Activities in around the World 

Sometimes our members do activities while on holiday :)

1 / 2: Paint Attack


 Painting in the Holidays
Lisbon primary school


 Drawing Activities:  Drawing Clubs:
Commune, Romania / Immigrant Festival, Lisbon / Community Arts House, Lisbon / bar, Granada / Hairdresser, London



 Faces to Music - 1 Off workshop: 
* Rehab Centre, Berlin, 
* Refugee Centre, Hamburg,


'ART ATTACK' in Beijing, China: In groups of 3s / 4s each group is given art equipment: paints, pens, brushes and a giant card ( 1m x 1m50cm ) . Now each group produces its work of art! 


Cre8ive Writing in London UK


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